Facts &
Number of Volumes  14
Number of Issues  43
Number of Articles  284
Article View  35,491
PDF Download  98,544
View Per Article  124.97
PDF Download Per Article  346.99

Fayoum University Medical Journal (FUMJ) is the leading international, peer-reviewed, open-access official journal of the Faculty of Medicine, Fayoum University, Fayoum, Egypt. FUMJ publishes variable medical articles that interest physicians and medical researchers in all medical fields in academia and community-based practice.

FUMJ publish six issues annually. Every issue includes valuable reviews and research articles that focus on new insights into the different medical fields and clinical practice.

Additionally, each issue will include an article for medical education purposes. That will be prepared by the editorial board and comprise new thoughts and ideas that motivate clinical research. All issues will undergo a focused and intensive review process to assess the novelty of submitted manuscripts and the limited percentage of plagiarism. The editorial board, supervised by Professor Dr. Shahira Alshafie, will guarantee the rapidity of the peer-review process up to 45 days from the first submission to the first decision. 

Current Issue: Volume 14, Issue 3, March 2025, Pages 108-135 (Surgical sub-specialties) 

Excessive variations in the plethysmographic waveform during controlled ventilation; an important pain indicator..

Pages 108-119

Emadeldin Mohamed Elhosary; Mohamed Ahmed Hamed; Safaa Gaber Ragab; Omar Sayed Farghaly

Splinting versus non-splinting following Carpal Tunnel release for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment..

Pages 129-133

kamal mohammed samy; Ibrahim Mohammed Mohsen; Ahmed Rabie Fekry; Mostafa Ahmed Hashem