The molecular Association of IL19 gene Polymorphism in Acne Vulgaris Egyptian Patients, a case control study

Document Type : Full Length research Papers


1 Assistant Professor of Dermatology, STDs & Andrology Faculty of Medicine, Fayoum University, Egypt.

2 Professor of Dermatology Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt

3 Professor of Medical Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt.

4 Dermatology department,fayoum university


Acne vulgaris is a widespread dermatological condition that affects the pilosebaceous unit and is characterized by chronic inflammation. In addition, its elongated course, pattern of returns and relapse, and manifestations including acute outbreaks or slow progression classify it as a chronic disease. Furthermore, acne exerts numerous adverse psychological and social impacts that significantly diminish the quality of life experienced by affected cases.
The present research aims to discuss the potential association among the Interleukin 19 gene polymorphism and acne vulgaris in Egyptian patients.
This research involved one hundred cases with acne and 100 normal individuals as a group control, enrolled from the Dermatology clinic, Faculty of Medicine, Fayoum University, with acne vulgaris from 16 to 30 years old, not receiving treatment in the last two weeks or systemic treatment in the last month. Two millilitres of blood were collected from every case; two ml in EDTA tubes for genetic analysis via DNA extraction.
The TT and TC genotypes significantly increase the risk of the occurrence of acne (p < value 0.001). The occurrence of allele T increases the risk of acne in comparison to allele C (p value <0.001).

The occurrence of allele T increased the risk of acne in comparison to allele C.


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