Intraocular Pressure Changes in Long-term Presumed Trematode induced Granulomatous Anterior Uveitis

Document Type : Full Length research Papers


1 fayoum

2 Ophthalmology department fayoum university

3 Ophthalmology department Fayoum University


Purpose: To outline the long-term ocular sequelae in children diagnosed with presumed parasitic anterior chamber granuloma and received treatment
Methods: A retrospective study that included 84 patients (87 eyes) diagnosed with granulomatous anterior uveitis attributed to being caused by presumed treamtode infection and received the appropriate treatment , separated into three groups: A) Medical treatment. B) Treated with periocular steroids. C) Surgical treatment. Involvement of anterior and posterior segment complications have been documentd and reported.
Results: The median age of the patients was 11± 1 years in average of 7-12 years .(Recurrence rate was higher in group A; 74%). Anterior segment findings were retrocorneal scar, anterior synechia, posterior synechia, complicated cataract (which was higher rate in Group B). Posterior segment findings were vitreous floaters , disc swelling and macular edema (which were higher rate in Group A).
Conclusion: Presumed trematode-induced anterior chamber granuloma had long-term complications on anterior and posterior segment that threatens visual acuity even after receiving appropriate treatment


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