Predictors of progression of renal functions in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)…

Document Type : Full Length research Papers


chest department fayoum university faculty of medicine


COPD patients have a higher risk of developing CKD than the general population.
[Chenand Liao2016]
The most prevalent risk factors for the new start of chronic kidney disease (CKD) are age, diabetes, arterial hypertension, and obesity. Atherosclerotic damage from the activation of pro-inflammatory and pro-oxidant pathways that result in pathologic alterations in renal circulation is one of the pathogenesis of chronic kidney disease (CKD) [Pelaia , 2020]
Pulmonary cells can produce many cytokines ,reach the systemic circulation and target other organs, and can also produce inflammatory effects. [Barnes,2009]
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, is a prevalent, treatable, and preventable illness marked by persistent respiratory symptoms and restricted airflow because of abnormalities in the airways and alveoli that are typically brought on by prolonged exposure to harmful particles or gases {Gold2022} , In addition to producing a wide range of cytokines, pulmonary cells can target other organs, enter the systemic circulation, and cause inflammation [Barnes,2009], Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) expression and pulmonary vascular permeability can both be impacted by renal ischemia. This can impair the function of ion channels, which are in charge of reabsorption of fluids at the level of pulmonary alveoli [Tikellis and Thomas, 2012]


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