Relation between Red Blood Cell Distribution Width and Left Ventricular Function In Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients


1 professor cardiology fayoum university

2 Professor of clinical and chemical pathology Fayoum University

3 Lecturer of cardiology Fayoum University

4 department of cardiology fayoum university


Red blood cells distribution width (RDW) is a measure of red blood cell width variation, reported as part of a standard complete blood count; although it is usually measured, as a routine test, actually its values have been only used in the differential diagnosis of anemia and high values indicate the presence of anisocytosis. It has been demonstrated that
RDW could be considered an independent prognostic marker of cardiovascular events in patients with heart failure and peripheral artery diseases. However the role of RDW in patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS) is less known.
Methods: This study included 40 consecutive patients presented with chest pain suggestive of the acute coronary syndrome. Participating subjects were subjected to a detailed history, complete physical examination 12- lead ECG,
and routine laboratory investigations including serum cardiac markers and complete blood count including RDW were performed and echocardiography examination including ejection fraction and tissue Doppler. Results: The study showed statistically significant positive correlation with p-value<0.05 between RDW and each of Left atrium, End systolic, and End diastolic dimensions in echo finding which indicates increase in RDW had positive impact on increase of Left atrium,
End systolic, and End diastolic, Resting wall motion abnormalities On the other hand there is negative statistically significance correlation with p-value <0.001 between RDW and Ejection fraction which indicates increase in RDW had negative impact on Ejection fraction. Also there was significant correlation between RDW and systolic function (s wave of
tissue Doppler) with p value (p value=0.01). Also we found significant correlation between RDW and other parameters age, hypertension, history of ischaemic heart disease. Performing ROC curve analysis between RDW and echocardiography ejection fraction 50% we found that best cut off point to be 16.1 with sensitivity (79.2%) and specificity (62.5%). Conclusion: Finally our study had lent role of RDW prognostication in acute coronary syndrome patients and opened the door for later investigation exploring the specific behavior of RDW in different patient categories.
